8th April ’17: The phantom cushion mover…

Good evening, dear colour-lovers.
I’m going to start this post with an apology, meant entirely if you are someone who works in a shop (or, indeed, are someone who’s trying to find an item where they expect to find it). I’ve worked in several shops in my time so I know just how irritating the following confession can be. I am, I’m afraid, that person who goes into stores and moves things around if I don’t think the colours look right. I reunite stuff that has (in my view, it has to be said) been separated in the tedium and mayhem of simply getting stock out onto the shop floor. I’m the one who goes ‘No! What were you thinking?!?!!’
And so, it came to pass, that after a grand meetup with @style_mum @victoriagenevievestyling and @saltyairsunkissedhairblog, I sauntered into @marksandspencer in Westfield. Not content with just browsing, I just HAD to make some changes (hence the ‘before’ above and the ‘after’ below). You may not like what I’ve done but I’m simply telling you to give you some insight into my colour weirdness. And, I must confess, I’m going home happier tonight. Disorder has been restored. Do you do this, or is it just me?….(and no, I don’t have anything better to do…). See you tomorrow.

Martha, The Colour File x


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